Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, September 9, 1997
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, I want you to always stay together and pray even more.
I want you to gather more often and pray. The conversion of many souls depends on your prayers. Their names are engraved on my Immaculate Heart.
I desire more obedience to My Messages. Long Live LOVE! Long live humility! (pause) I desire that you pray, pray a lot. Live the unity.
Take refuge in my Immaculate Heart, in all the moments of life. He is your refuge!
Pray for My son Marcos, who is going to travel. I will accompany him, and I will stay with you too. He did penance for the conversion of all of you. Today, I have eased his pain, but this pain can come back even stronger if I need it. So pray intensely. (pause)
Pray with more sincerity. Be authentic in prayer! Live My Messages, and spread them to all those who do not know that I appear here.
You have My Peace, but I want you to take it also to as many as you can reach.
Pray for My instruments, especially for My son Marcos, who is continually being persecuted.(pause)
Do not leave my Son Jesus waiting in the tabernacle! Go visit Him, for He wants you there! Pray in the tabernacle, talk with Him.
Don't leave this place empty! This place was chosen by Me to appear here. This place is a place of Peace, where I wish for much prayer, constant prayer. This is the Pit of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Go in the Peace of the Lord".